ZBrush 3.2 for Mac OS X released

ZBrush version 3.2 for Mac OS X
by Albert Kiefer
Pixologic have just released version 3.2 of their flagship product Zbrush. This release currently is only for Mac OS X.

The new version which is available for immediate download here contains the usual optimizations and bug fixes but more importantly contains some core functionality of the new goZBrush which is going to improve te workflow beteen ZBrush and Maya, Modo and Cinema 4D (I think the PC version will obviously support 3DS Max when it is released).

GO Zbrush partially implemented in version 3.2 of Mac OS X more information about goZbrush can be found here

Also great new is that with the new release come two plug-ins that were supported by earlier versions (PC) of ZBrush but now are available to Mac users too. They are decimation master, a plug-in for simplifying the very heavy meshes that ZBrush can generate for use in production packages like Maya, Cinema 4D, and Modo. Not that it’s impossible to work with heavy meshes in the programs but often times it’s just not that practical in a production envirnoment to animate these very heavy files.

these plug-ins can be picked up right here