Piranesi 5.1
10/06/09 10:21 Filed in: Work
I have recently upgraded my Piranesi license to 5.1. Piranesi is a tool for very flexible ways of visualizing a 3D project. It does this by reading a specially prepared 2.5 D version of a scene from any of the supported 3D software packages, and allowing you to quickly add textures on the [almost] 3D canvas.
Apart from allowing you a very flexible way of working with just a fraction of the rendering penalties involved in normal 3D rendering, it also give you ways to explore more non-photorealistic ways of presenting your material. And in this day and age, where phenomenal photorealistic simulations are possible and have become commonplace, the more loosely rendered styles are a welcome diversion that add a new sprak of life to visual presentations.
Apart from allowing you a very flexible way of working with just a fraction of the rendering penalties involved in normal 3D rendering, it also give you ways to explore more non-photorealistic ways of presenting your material. And in this day and age, where phenomenal photorealistic simulations are possible and have become commonplace, the more loosely rendered styles are a welcome diversion that add a new sprak of life to visual presentations.